Category: IT

EMCworld Wrap Up Part 1–Automation, Security and a Razor

Wow, what an amazing week! While it’s still fresh in my head, I thought I’d write about something that I witnessed at EMCworld. I’ll do another post on the sessions I gave later.

Automation and Security?

“Ok, what’s this “auto-mation” thing of which you speak Mike? And why, as a security guy, should I care?”


Well, the coolest thing was a project known as “Razor”. It was done by EMC’s Nick Weaver. Nick, also known as @lynxbat on Twitter, works in the EMC Office of the CTO. Nick is one of those guys that you show a new programming language to and after the weekend, he’s written something in it that blows your mind. All us geeks aspire to having those kinds of chops.

So, Nick worked with Puppet Labs on a project called Razor. The one sentence/paragraph description is “A tool that can, from bare metal, provision an OS” Honestly, that’s about the lamest description ever of what it can do! You NEED to read up on it here then come back to finish what I wrote… I’ll wait……

Ok, you’re back. Now why is this important to security? Well, Chuck Hollis (@chuckhollis), the EMC CTO of Marketing, hit the nail on the head in his blog on the Puppet and Razor stuff when he said

It doesn’t take to long to realize that there are some interesting areas where this could potentially go over time.  Obviously, what’s been done for server resources could also be applied to storage and perhaps network. And, of course, EMC has some nice upper level IT governance management framework tools (e.g. Archer, Ionix) where policy can be specified and reported on.

Archer? RSA Archer? Yea, that Archer. Imagine if you will the ability to attest (there’s a big security word) to the validity of a server from the point of powering on to the system running and serving up what it serves up? You know how it was built, what was installed on it, who did what, when, where and how. Now, feed all that information into an eGRC solution like Archer and when the auditors come calling, you have a record and that record lines up with the security policies that are in effect. Need to build a server to handle PCI stuff? Here’s the record of how it was built and it’s mapped to all the PCI compliance regs. All in an automated fashion.

Combine that with a SIEM solution that can take in events that change the configuration and now you’re cooking with gas. You can attest to every change from creation to destruction. And map it all to policy.

It was a VERY insightful post Chuck made. When I saw Razor in action, that’s exactly what I thought. I ran into Chuck one evening at EMCworld and told him so.

Security at Scale

THIS is part of the “security at scale” issue that we as an industry are facing. The old ways of managing security just won’t scale to the levels of “cloud” (there I go, saying that word. For me, cloud = scale. ‘nuff said) You NEED to leverage automation. There’s just too many moving parts to keep track of manually. (more on that one in a later post!)

So for you IT guys who are wondering about security in a virtual environment, run over and start playing with Razor (did I mention it’s Open Sourced??????!!!!) and think about how you can help the security guy by giving him measurable results in a consistent fashion.

For you security folks, guess what, it’s time you look at all the cool tools that are available to the IT folks that can help you measure compliance. The depth of these tools is amazing. And the ability to pump it all into Archer to map it to the compliance policies makes your job infinitely easier.

I’m heading into Boston in a couple of weeks to learn more about Puppet and about Razor. Hopefully I’ll have more to talk about then!

Let me know what you think!

thanks for reading,


Securing Virtual Desktops with Brian Gracely & TheCloudcast.Net

On Thursday, Feb 9th, I drove from RSA HQ in Bedford, MA to EMC HQ in Hopkinton to spend some time with Brian Gracely (Twitter:@bgracely)and do a podcast and whiteboard session on security and virtual desktops.

Brian is the Director of Technology Solutions and Strategy at EMC and one of the co-hosts of TheCloudcast.(NET) along with Aaron Delp. (Twitter:@aarondelp) If you haven’t heard of The Cloudcast you’ve been missing out! It’s a wealth of knowledge sharing with some of the real leaders in the virtualization and cloud space.

This was my second time on The Cloudcast. My first time was as part of a panel at VMworld 2011 where I discussed vCloud and security with Brian, Aaron and VMware’s Chris Colotti, (Twitter:@ccolotti) a vCloud rockstar.

I really enjoy these social media opportunities! I like sharing knowledge but more than that, I like hanging out with people smarter than me. It really raises my game and gets the creative juices flowing!

Out of discussions like this I’ve come up with novel ways to solve problems, opened my eyes to a different way of thinking and even came up with a patent application that I’m hoping to be able to talk about soon.

In our discussion, Brian and I built upon some of the points I made in a previous blog posting on Virtual Desktops and Security. Take a moment to read that and then listen to the audio and check out the video whiteboard.

So, without further adieu, I’d like to redirect you over to our podcast and video on Securing Virtual Desktops and my thoughts on Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).

Securing Virtual Desktops TheCloudcast.(NET)

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it and that it helps you in your virtual desktop strategy. If you have questions, reach me on Twitter or send me an email.



Virtual Desktops and Security–Leverage, Control, Enable

First, IMHO, VDI is not like the virtualization of servers where I consolidate 100 servers into 10 boxes and come out being a hero to finance because I saved $70k in A/C and electricity. The cost savings are not as blatant (and easy) as that.

Instead, in my view, VDI is an enabling technology for governance, risk and compliance. Primarily because the desktop infrastructure is now off of desktop/laptop hardware and back under control of the datacenter. This infrastructure gives me unparalleled visibility into the goings on. I can more easily monitor traffic and actions, control access and respond to bad things. I can now protect my desktops with datacenter class security.

With other technologies like vShield, I can now group VM’s in a way that aligns with the business and apply/enforce policies accordingly. eng-finWith vShield’s new Data Security feature, you are now leveraging the RSA Data Loss Prevention engine to audit your virtual machines.

For example: I can assign policies at the group bases so that the Engineering group will be scanned for PCI data and if found, it will be reported. But the finance folks, because they are trained in PCI, will only be audited. As I add new VM’s to the groups, the VM’s will fall under the appropriate policies with no special configuration. Consistency!


Last year I talked with a customer in a government agency about VDI and security. They had a requirement that every time an analyst logs into a desktop, that the desktop was “fresh”. With VDI, that’s easy.

  • The analyst logs into a fresh desktop cloned from a gold master.
  • At the end of the shift, the desktop is moved into a different pool for forensic analysis
  • A new desktop is provisioned.

All easily automatable/scriptable and orchestrated (and you know how much I like automating things!). Because it’s all automatable, you can now do things in a consistent manner. Inconsistent events and actions will be easier to spot and react. And because all of these events are logged and processed by a SIEM I’ve now got a step up on when things DO go wrong!


What this also did for the customer was shrink their window of vulnerability. How so? Well, the desktop was fresh at every shift change. The timeframe for which malware could get a hold was shrunk from weeks/months/years to an 8 hour shift. With 88% of corporations having systems infected with trojan’s and not knowing about them, this can really help mitigate bad stuff lying around!


VDI is also an enabling technology in that I, as the IT guy, can embrace new trends quicker with less risk. Look how fast the iPad has become part of the enterprise? You only have to Google “iPad Enterprise Adoption” and see study after study on this increasing trend. For example, I was talking with a customer who wanted to replace all corporate laptops for their thousands of field people with an iPad + Virtual Desktop. The key driver for this was that customer data would never resided on the endpoint. If the iPad was lost or stolen, no worries. Go expense a new one and get back to work.

In terms of inter-office usability, consider the situation where your corporate laptop has been infected (don’t let your 15yr old son use it. EVER!) and now, instead of 2 days of re-imaging downtime, the IT guy hands you a thin client and you’re back to work in minutes.

What if you lost your laptop? Well, because your only access to sensitive data is through your virtual desktop and isn’t allowed on an endpoint device like a laptop, the loss of the laptop may not need to be reported to regulatory authorities. Google “Stolen Laptop Data Breach”. And for those that say “but our laptops are encrypted!”, well, only 30% of you are doing that according to a study at the Ponemon Institute funded by Intel.

Back to work in minutes, no regulatory reporting for a stolen laptop. How does Finance measure that productivity gain/potential corporate risk?

In closing

VDI isn’t for the faint of heart nor is it for everyone. However, with the capabilities available today, you can use it to really get back the control you had back in the timesharing days (I miss you VMS!) while being flexible to adopting new technologies in a more secure way.

I’m a huge fan of VDI. I’ve been using it now for well over a year and wouldn’t give it up. I have my personal MacBook Air laptop and the only corporate info on it is some non-NDA presentations. All other EMC “stuff” is done on my VMware View desktop. This keeps that nice separation between what’s mine and what EMC’s very clear. And yes, the SSD in the Air is encrypted with FileVault!

Finally, when it comes to security, it’s no longer sufficient to just run ON a virtual platform. For security to move to the next step, it has to leverage these inherent capabilities that are presented to it. You can start today by considering a virtual desktop strategy. Just don’t forget the security tools!

